Homeworth Direct 🏡

The easiest way to discover the current and objective market value of your home.


How it works

Request your report

Fill out the address and additional details for the home you want to receive a valuation report for.

Complete the payment

After completing the form you will be asked to pay a one-time creditcard payment of $79.

Get your valuation report

Receive your home's value and additional info about the housing market within 1 business day.

Why work with us?

  • No need for an external appraiser, we crunch the numbers digitally.

  • 30+ (historical) data points and 5 proven models determine your home's value.

  • Save time and money: an in-person valuation can cost you 6 to 10 times more.

  • Use our report to determine a reasonable upper and lower limit of your purchase or selling price.

Click here to view a sample report.

Get your valuation report

Enter the address and the house characteristics of the house to be valued. It is important that you enter this information carefully.The price for our valuation report is $79 (incl. VAT).

Try out this service by filling out the form.
All info can be fake, except your email.

*when you proceed you will see instructions to complete a test payment.

What information will I find in the report?
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What can I use homeworthdirect.com for?
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Which methods are used for the property valuation?
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How accurate is your valuation?
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Your valuation report is on it's way!

This MVP demonstration is based on an actual idea of an innovation team I worked with at a large corporate. They made a valuation model (in Excel!) that pulled in lots of historical data of the property, surrounding homes and data from the local and nationwide housing market.They asked me: "how can we turn this into something we can test with real customers?"My answer: "Build a simple website where you share the proposition, make sure people can send in a request, build the report manually and email them the report."So, basically this demonstration website! I added the payment option to showcase the easy integration you can do with my website builder Carrd en payment provider Stripe.Bram

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